University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Cost

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) offers a detailed structure for tuition and fees that varies by residency status, degree program, and whether the student is attending undergraduate or graduate courses.

Cost Breakdown for 2024-2025 Academic Year

For undergraduate students, the tuition is $8,989 for North Carolina residents and $39,330 for out-of-state students. Graduate tuition is slightly higher, with North Carolina residents paying $12,527 and out-of-state students paying $30,819. In addition to tuition, students must consider room and board, which costs approximately $13,016 annually, and other expenses like books and supplies, which add up to about $1,290​ (UNC Catalog)​​ (College Tuition Compare)​.

Additional Financial Support

UNC-Chapel Hill is known for its commitment to making education accessible and affordable, especially for in-state students. Starting in fall 2024, the university will cover tuition and mandatory fees for North Carolina undergraduates from families earning less than $80,000 annually as long as they meet other eligibility criteria related to assets and need​ (Office of Scholarships and Student Aid)​​ (UNC-Chapel Hill)​.

Estimating Total Costs

The estimated total cost of attendance, which includes tuition, fees, room and board, and other personal expenses, reaches approximately $26,109 for North Carolina residents and $56,450 for out-of-state students staying on campus. These figures are essential for prospective students to understand the full financial commitment involved in attending UNC​ (College Tuition Compare)​.

Financial Aid and Payment Options

UNC offers various forms of financial aid, including loans, grants, and work-study programs. The university also provides specific grants to cover laptop purchases for eligible students​ (UNC Catalog)​. Furthermore, there are payment plans that allow students to spread the cost of tuition over time, making payments more manageable​ (CollegeSimply)​.

For more detailed information and updates, prospective and current students should regularly check the official UNC Chapel Hill cashier and financial aid websites:

These resources provide crucial details on payment schedules, additional fees, and financial assistance programs to help manage the cost of higher education at UNC Chapel Hill.


 How does the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill determine eligibility for the tuition coverage program for families making less than $80,000?

The eligibility for UNC-Chapel Hill’s tuition coverage for North Carolina undergraduates from families with an income of less than $80,000 is based on household income and typical assets, excluding retirement savings. To qualify, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile by the university’s specified deadlines. This aid is considered “last-dollar” funding, meaning it covers any remaining tuition and mandatory fees not already covered by other grants or scholarships​ (Office of Scholarships and Student Aid)​​ (UNC-Chapel Hill)​.

 What types of financial aid are available to UNC-Chapel Hill students?

UNC-Chapel Hill offers a variety of financial aid options, including federal and institutional loans, grants, work-study programs, and scholarships. To determine eligibility and receive financial aid, students must apply through the FAFSA and, for certain types of aid, the CSS Profile. The university meets the full demonstrated financial need of eligible undergraduates, which may include a combination of grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. Additionally, there are specific programs such as the Carolina Computing Initiative (CCI) Laptop grant for new undergraduates, which provides funds towards the purchase of a laptop​ (UNC Catalog)​​ (CollegeSimply)​.

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